Sunday, June 1, 2008

more lovlies from the geniuses at etsy

i couldn't love this shell & pearl cocktail ring from turkey-based star of the east more. it is beautiful and organic and would be perfectly over-sized on my little mitts. this seller makes all sorts of baubles out of urchins, pearls, and other treasures she finds washed up on the shore.

from montreal (sight of my future honeymoon, holler!) is the polyglot melanie favreau. her pieces are all inscribed with sweet little expressions. this one, which says "from the bottom of my heart" in latin, is my favorite by far. her other creations are equally endearing, and she also does custom inscriptions in most of her rings and necklaces. if k.f. were the jewelry-wearing type, i would totally buy him this pendant. although i'm kind of glad he's not...maybe i'll get one for myself!!

and finally, from one of my favorite stores on etsy, the now famous ring dish from paloma's nest. featured on every blog i read (brooklyn bride was the first place i saw it, i think...), it is such a sweet little token for your wedding day. they are totally customizable, so you can write anything you want...i think i'm going with the ee cummings poem "i carry your heart with me" on ours. we both love that poem and it is one of our readings. since we're not having a ring bearer...or any other children for that seems like this is a perfect substitution for the pillow.

te gustan?

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