Thursday, July 24, 2008

two weeks from today...

i'll be a bride! holy smokes!

i know i've been horrible about blogging lately (sorry to my five faithful readers, hahaha!). i promise a lengthy series of blogs on saturday and sunday to fill you in on all the projects.

back to printing menus!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

sneak peek: hatling

just a quick look at my hatling, made my the oh-so-talented kristina over at kankalinhats. i can't wait to get it in my little mitts so that i can try it on!

what's in the numbers for our tables?

i really like the idea of skipping table numbers and having our guests sit at different "locations" that k.f. and i have traveled. these ideas, which i totally stole from a slideshow from the knot are good starting points. i dig the three-sided one the most, but love the google satellite pic on the first one, and the post card idea is pretty sweet too...

i'll probably come up with some permutation of the three. don't worry, as soon as i've wrapped my mind around it, i'll be sure to let you in on it...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

holy guacamole - where does time go?!

travel update: today k.f. and i are off to tyson's corner, near washington d.c. to get last minute accessory stuff for me and a suit for him for the rehearsal dinner. 

unfortunately, upon our return, it's travel time again for me, and i'll be off to atlanta for ab initio IB training for four days. at least k.a.f. is coming with me for training in classical lit.


but seriously...when we get back, i will have three weeks (count 'em!) until we depart for mexico. i think i might be entering the panic zone...ahhhhhhhh!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

why oh why can't you be mine, sweet ruffle wrap?

so i'm over at oh joy this morning, and what to my wondering eyes should appear...but these amazing ruffled lovelies from sonia rykiel's summer collection. voila:

how do i love thee, sweet ruffle wrap? let me count the ways:

1. ruffles everywhere.
2. long enough to cover open-backed dress.
3. more ruffles.
4. perfect counterpoint to whimsical headpiece.
5. ruffles are so beautiful.
6. would look great with slinky sheath dress.
7. did i mention ruffles?

unfortunately, try as i might, i cannot find the ruffle wrap available for purchase. damn the whims of haute couture! to the devil with you, exclusivity! i spit on you, pre-season runway tease!

if you find it, please tell me. i'm swooning.